View entire legacy EMR data with a few clicks.
Low implementation and maintenance cost.
HIPAA and HITECH certified security.
Access legacy EMR data from your current EMR system.
Smart Archive is built using state-of-the-art industry recognized technology. It has a multi-tier architecture making it highly secure, durable and performant. HIPS Services run on each tier of HIPS Technology’s platform called HIPS Data Site.
HIPS Technology’s platform where different services of the Smart Archive function collectively to ingest, store, consolidate, model, serve and interoperate legacy EMR data from across all disparate EMR systems.
These services function collectively to make up the Smart Archive EMR data archiving system.
Extracts EMR system data and loads it to HIPS Data Lake.
HIPAA compliant, secure and low-cost storage system where all forms of EMR data is stored.
Processes data from across all legacy EMR systems and consolidates them into a single record per patient.
Models data consolidated from across all legacy systems into a single and trustworthy source of truth for all historical patient data.
Displays historical patient data and it is accessible from within the current EMR system or a web application.
Enables interoperability between the current EMR system and Smart Archive.
Processes and stores patient documents.
Provides detailed audit logs.
DICOM image viewer.
Enables users to search through both structured and unstructured patient document contents. HIPS Extract uses artificial intelligence to “read” documents as a person would, to extract not only printed text, and handwriting but also tables, form labels and values, and other structured data.
Smart Archive supports most of the EMR systems. This list is not exhaustive. Please contact us if you do not see the EMR system you need to archive.